Registration for 2023 is now OPEN

Yes, it's that festive time of year again - or September as it's also known.

  1. If you have particiapted in the last 2 years, then you'll already be on the sign-up list. To confirm, simply login here. If you're able to login, then you're signed-up and you know you're getting emails.*

    To login, follow that link above, enter the email address you registered with last time, and click 'continue'. An email with a one time link will be sent to you. Click the link, and you'll be taken to your account page. If you see that, you're signed-up (still).**
  2. Sign-up using the "subscribe" button the top of every page. If you don't see a button, then you're too late. There'll be a featured article screaming about the sign-ups being closed as well.***

If this is all too confusing, then don't worry.

*If you don't get the login email, then check your spam folder.

**And if the login email link is 'expired', then you're previewing the link in your email browser. It's a one-time link, so if you preview it, you're using that link up, and need to go back to the website to login again.

***Also if there's no form, then you might be logged-in, in which case you're signed-up (you'll see an 'account' link in the top right).