Welcome to #hohohobbyvices2022

Yes, it's that festive time of the year again; mid-October!
As always, keep an eye out on this website for updates - when we send out emails, the content of the email will also be on the website. A few of them will have personalised content only included in the email, so if you don't receive it, but see the generic version on here, then contact us via Discord, otherwise, all - yes, ALL - of the answers can be found on here.
Most content will be updated for 2022, but for now, you can peruse the rules from last year to get an idea of the general gist of things.
- Want the latest bleeding edge updates? Then join the Discord.*
- Need help? Then join the Discord.*
- Want to join the Discord? Then join the Discord.*
- Have a super-definitely-unique repeat question about something? Read the FAQ.
- If that nagging itch won't go away? Then join the Discord.*
- Want to message us via Instagram, Twitter, Email or morse code? Then join the Discord.*
* To the keen observer, it would appear that we want all communication to be via Discord. Weird, it's like we want to keep track of everything, communicate easily with everybody and not get barrages of hate mail when social media blocks you or hides your message.
Deadlines are deadlines, and we can't extend them - if you do want to take part, don't procrastinate, just do whatever you're asked to do straight away.
Your very first task is to subscribe to this website. A few days after subscription for 2022 closes, we'll send you an email with a personalised link to a data gathering form, where you'll express your likes, dislikes, postal details, allergies, pin numbers, blood type and other vital information.