Unable to login or see history with Gmail account
You're unable to login to see your account, or you no longer see your account history or current enrolment.
- Using Gmail/Google hosted email
- Receiving official emails in your account
- An error or nothing appearing when logged in
- Missing historical data
Both a handy feature and a source of confusion, Gmail allows users to create aliases of their email address, by just adding "." and "+". Users don't have to setup these additional versions of their email address, and can just create them on the fly.
Over the years we've seen this lots. A user knows which email account they've signed up with, but may be using an old or alternative version of their email address that uses or omits "." or has a "+something" added on.
To resolve, you'll need to check the emails from us, and look at the address used in the email header. If you really struggle, contact us via Discord, and we'll tell you what email address you used.
Just be aware that "joebloggs@gmail.com" is not the same as "joe.bloggs@gmail.com", so whilst Google allows this, that doesn't mean it works when logging into your website. Your username is your email address, and has to be letter-for-letter the same as the one you registered with or used in previous years.
-- McCoy