Hobbyvice's Picks

Over coming week's we're going to highlight some of our favourite gifts from the last 6 years, to give you some inspiration and showcase the awesome people in the community that you're part of (and get a feel for what your fellow hobbyists are doing).
We kick off the first dive into the archives with Hobbyvice's picks.
Every year a few people go well above and beyond the minimum required dollar amount in sending a gift to their recipient. Some even build elaborate delivery systems and puzzle boxes! While these gifts are always well received, I need to mention that many of the best gifts have also been modestly priced.
A hand written note, custom packaging, or small regional treat cost very little but elevate the mundane gift into the exceptional. So skim through these pictures or peruse the hashtag (#hohohobbyvices) and get some inspiration on what makes a truly special gift. A few moments of giving thought to what you're sending goes a long way! Have fun!
- Andrew
Don't forget to share your progress and tag with #hohohobbyvices once the festivities commence!